Energy and Abundance
I have worked for others, I have owned and run a company staffed by others and I have worked alone at various enterprises. The thing they all have in common is that somehow I got paid money no matter what the format of my employment. I provided services with my time, expertise, energy and communication skills and in return I would receive a quantity of money equal to what I provided. I have been taught that money is energy, just a symbol of exchanging. And since energy cannot be either created or destroyed, I must have created a quantity of units of energy equal to the energy units of the money I received in return.
So in order to make more money, all I have to do is supply more units of energy to a source that wants them or wants to use them. There are only two ways to do this. I can either work more hours or be more productive in the hours I am working. As I actually prefer to work less hours and make more money, let’s focus on this second option, being more productive. There are many ways to do this, including having other people perform tasks for you. utilizing technology/process improvements, gathering information so as to learn how to be more productive, inspiring others to invest or otherwise support you, and onwards.
Another way to boost energy so that it can be returned in the form of money is by tapping in to one’s personal reservoir of energy. There is an almost unlimited reservoir of energy within us. Og Mandino wrote in “The Greatest Salesman in the World” that we all have enough energy within us to level the largest city, and then rebuild it again. Albert Einstein and his contemporaries mathematically quantified the energy within atoms, enough to cause mammoth nuclear explosions. Do we have access to this same energy?
Yes we do, and mankind is only in the early stages of harnessing and utilizing this energy for the good of all. The Body Code work is the best modality I have found so far to uncover and release the blocks to this energy. Energetic blockages and imbalances are identified and corrected. Financial goals are defined. The new found energy is focused onto the clear, concise goals. And viola, as energy is released, increased amounts of money begin to flow. This is the essence of the “Abundance and Wealth Three Month Coaching Series” I created with the help of Discover Healing. It is simple to use and many have benefited from this system around the world.
I am embarking with using this system on paid clients for the first time this year. And I continue to apply the system to myself. Let’s see what happens over the next year as testimonials come in. We have a lovely community of professionals forming who are applying the system to their financial lives now. If you would like to be interviewed to be accepted into the group, you can comment below or just contact me. This will be a good time to get your questions answered as well.
Or if you want to apply the Five Second Rule and just commit now, click here: Now that would be outrageous.
Let’s energize your abundance together.