Treating? ALS
I went to visit my sister last week. Her husband was diagnosed with ALS (Lou Gherig’s Disease) less than two years ago. He is now wheelchair bound, his speech is slurred, and he can no longer even stand without assistance. Of course I wanted to heal him, to help him anyway I could. I call myself a healer, but I am really not one. Energy work like what I do is not about healing someone through some magical power or learned skill that I have. This is about helping my friend to heal himself. The body has great wisdom. When things go wrong, the body will send us messages in the form of “symptoms,” uncomfortable states that will instruct us as to what we need to do next. I choose to call ALS a symptom. Something is seriously wrong with my sister’s husband’s body. The symptom in this case is that the nerves in his body are dying. As they die, bodily functions stop working correctly. I haven’t read a word from the medical community about what causes this symptom. So I will let the doctors continue with their research into what they can do to suppress the symptom (aka Find a cure). I hope they succeed.
In the meantime, I will search for the cause with what little I know. So far I know that his brain is not communicating with the organs and glands in his body. I know that all seven of his chakras, that distribute the energies of the body, are misaligned. I know that his body pH is skewed toward the acidic side. And I know that the magnetic field surrounding his body has something wrong with it.
So what is causing all that? I keep going down the rabbit hole as I look for the causes of the causes. I will keep it up. It seems to be my calling right now. This situation is what inspired me to go forward with Body Code Certification, which I will be completing this month.
Wish me luck. Or better, pray with me for healing for this wonderful man. I will be providing updates on this blog.