Do any of these scenarios sound familiar?
You have chronic aches, and pains and pills provide only short-term relief.
You have pain in your leg, hip, and knee, but you don't know why.
Your gut says you're being held hostage by adverse events and experiences from the past.
Even though you're working hard on your business, you don't see the results you want. You know something is holding you back, but you're not sure what it is.
You have too much in your head, you can hardly get clear on what you want, and when you think you're clear, you talk yourself out of it.
You want to have a bigger and more exciting life—to travel or maybe take on a large, ambitious project like writing a book. But you procrastinate, put things off and can't even get started.
I have good news that you may find surprising.
You’re feeling this way because you have unprocessed negative emotions from your past. These trapped emotions are causing your problems. The GREAT news is that I can find them, and delete them on your behalf using the Emotion Code. For many of you, the journey continues with the advanced work of The Body Code, working with the energies and systems of the body to create a state of balance, harmony and ultimately, a joyful life.
Which of these challenges/problems are in your list?
Peter Scott’s clients have had success where the Emotion Code and Body Codes were used for:
Download Your Emotion/Body/Belief Code
Sessions Prep List
Use this "menu" of challenges/problems to help build your own list of what you want to bring to your Emotion Code session with Peter. In many cases, he can cover 5 or more items in a 25-minute session.
Emotion Code Session Packages
25-Minute Emotion Code/Body Code/Belief Code/Heart Wall Session with Peter at $75.00. The popular choice for ongoing clearing and balancing.
45-Minute Emotion Code/Body Code/Belief Code Session with Peter at $95.00. A deep dive into what is keeping you from experiencing a joyful life.
60 minute Emotion Code/Body Code/Belief Code Session with Peter at $130. One hour sessions are for those wishing to go deep into radical healing