It's Time to Start Getting Ready for What's Next...Here's a Great Plan....and Offer
As many of you know, I am a goal setting junkie. Ever since I did my first goal setting workshop with Tony Robbins in 1989, I have been sequestering myself annually to plan out my year in advance. I then pass what I learn to others through annual goal setting workshops and a support network called Goal Achievement Circle that I facilitated for many years. As Brian Tracy says, goal setting is the critical skill to success. Show me an uber-achiever and I will show you someone who set a goal and worked relentlessly toward its fulfillment. With the addition of the Emotion Code and the Body Code to what I do, I am now working with clients through my coaching program to clear the blocks to achievement for entrepreneurs, managers, sales people and others around the country through remote sessions. This year's pandemic has both quantumly increased the number of people taking the time to better themselves through this work and made what I do easier and more accessible as I was well entrenched in giving remote sessions before all this started.
Now for the next step. I am very excited to be announcing that I will be hosting a powerful four hour workshop on Saturday, October 24 from 10:00am to 2:00pm. It will be presented on Zoom and the cost is just $95 for the four hour workshop. But the workshop is free for any of my current active clients. You have to have had a paid session with me in 2020 to qualify for the discount of 100%. If you want in and haven't had a paid appointment with me this year, make and appointment for a session by clicking here and complete the session by the 24th and you are in.
In this workshop, you will do the following:
Review what worked for you and did not work for you in the past year as you lay the foundation for future success.
Complete a comprehensive Life Assessment to evaluate your strengths and weaknesses as you seek seek balance in all areas of your life, a prerequisite for living a joy-filled life.
Create a Grand Design for the year to come by setting goals in eight key areas of your life. Darren and I will walk you through the process (yes, Darren will be appearing via video several times during the workshop).
You will then pair down your Grand Design goals into the top ten goals that will make a huge difference in your life.
Then...your top ten goals will pair down to the three goals that will challenge you, stretch you and make the biggest positive difference in the year ahead. Darren calls these "Banner Goals."
We will then work intensively on these three Banner Goals. What will you need to change about yourself to achieve them? What new habits should you incorporate? What behaviors will you have to stop? What daily/weekly changes to your routine will you have to add? Hey, if you keep doing the same things, expect the same results, right? Let's make a plan...together.
We will also create timeline goals for these three big, hairy audacious goals and even see what you will do in the next week to get the process started.
Finally, we will unveil a weekly planning system that will put your life focus on your three most important goals. This will make the coming year sensational as you block out activities and projects that don't serve you or your mission, Darren will present a critical distinction that will make all the difference between having a year the same as your previous ones and a year of amazing, ground breaking results.
You will want to be in a quiet place with no distractions for the entire workshop. THIS IS CRITICAL. You will be doing a lot of writing, deep thinking and planning. If you get behind where we are on the agenda, we won't be able to back up for you. This four hours will be intense, powerful and uplifting but only if you stay with us.
There will be one break at the halfway point. There will also be times during work sessions where you can duck off and do what you need to do but keep it to a minute or so.
IMPORTANT: You will have to purchase the workbook for the workshop and have it on hand for the workshop, so you will want to order it now. I have been working with this workbook for six weeks now and in the twenty five plus years that I have been teaching and coaching goal setting, this is the best organized, best presented and most powerful tool I have come across.
The book to use for the workshop is Living Your Best Year Ever by Darren Hardy. It costs $39. Get it at Click Programs and then Books. It will then be the third book down. It is not available on Amazon or anywhere else except on Darren's site. Once you get it, read it up to the exercise where you do the Year in Review. Attendees will want to then fill this section out before the workshop. ORDER IT TODAY SO YOU WILL HAVE IT ON HAND FOR THE FREE WORKSHOP.
If you have a co-worker, member of your team, friend or family member that you think would benefit from making a four hour investment in their lives, they are welcome to join us and pay the $95 fee. This is well worth it and I promise that if everyone follows the system outlined in the book, it will bring them a massive return. Or they can schedule and complete a $55 introductory appointment with me and then pay nothing for the workshop. Quite the win-win, huh? Remember, they must pay for and use the paid session before the workshop date they will be attending. Everyone must acquire the new 2020 edition of the book.
Does the October 24 date not work for you? No problem. We will be scheduling repeat sessions in November and December. Stay tuned to this newsletter for the make-up dates. But remember, enrollment in these workshops is limited so we can interact with each other in a quality way, so contact me if you need to reserve a later date. And...if you take the first workshop, you can review one of the other workshops at no cost.
As they say, the fortune's in the follow-up. There will be at least four follow-up programs attendees can choose from to get support that will be presented at the end of the workshop. You will also get a special offer for a bonus presentation on New Year's Day. One of my banner goals for 2021 is to support my clients like never before so that they can live a life of balance, harmony and joy through energy work and high energy goal setting.
If you have any other questions, contact me any way you'd wish. As of this writing, there are ten spaces left for the workshop. Sign up by clicking here and use the coupon code SUCCESS2021, but only if you have had a paid session with me in 2020. If you haven't had one, click here and schedule your next session no later than 10/23. We will use this session to get you up to speed with changes to this work and to clear any blocks that will hold you back from moving ahead with a fabulous goal setting experience on the 24th.
Come join us as we ready to rock 2021!